Diary Entry - 09/30/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with members of the Privatization Commission.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to receive a mock-up check symbolizing a transfer of assets from the Dept.'s of Agriculture and Education to the U.S. Treasury.
Staff time spent on a number of things including strategy for future regarding everything from Bork confirmation to the Persian Gulf and nat. defense funding. N.S.C.—paper reported this A.M. that our Navy was escorting European & other merchant vessels in the P. Gulf. It turns out—those other ships have taken to tagging along with our convoys. We discussed what our position would be if Iran attacked one of those ships while we were nearby. I dont think we should make any announcements but if it happened we should go to the aid of the attacked ship.
A meeting in the Cabinet room 1st with our Commission on Privatization for a report.
Then we moved into the Roosevelt Rm. where the press was. Sec. Lyng presented me with a check for $3.41 bil. for sale of debts to private banks etc. Joe Wright was mainly responsible for this. Congress is trying to say we cant use such receipts to reduce the deficit which is ridiculous.
Then over to E.O.B. to speak to a couple of hundred members of Grass Roots Supporters. They are mostly minoritys but Gung Ho for what we are doing. They responded enthusiastically to my plea for help with the Bork confirmation.
Lunch and a couple of photos—one with the W.H. Chef & his wife. He has left us after 22 yrs. The other was S.S. Agent Jim Miller & his family. Jim was with us in 76 & 80. Now he’s leaving to be the No. 2 man in L.A.
A phone call to Sen. Stennis re Bork. He’s not decided yet. Has material he wants to study over the weekend.
At 5 P.M. down to the East Room to greet about 450 Eagles—the Repub. contributors who give $10,000 a year to the Party. Then upstairs for the evening.