Diary Entry - 09/30/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan makes an announcement to the press about an upcoming meeting with the Chairman and President of the U.S.S.R. in Reykjavik, Iceland.
President Reagan attends the annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group.
A hectic day. Arrived at the office about 10:05 & was rushed into the press room to announce Iceland meeting Oct. 11 & 12. Geo S. had just done the announcement about Zakharov & Orlov. Already it’s plain the press is going to declare I gave in & the trade was Daniloff for Zakharov. By the end of the day the network anchors were laying into me for having given up. I addressed the annual meeting of the I.M.F. [International Monetary Fund] & World Bank members at the Sheraton. Then a meeting in the Cabinet room for members of Cong. & reps. of the oil industry.
I expressed support for a program to help in this period of real hard times for that industry. Daniloff has arrived in Wash. I’ll see him tomorrow afternoon. Zakharov is on his way to Russia. A meeting with Cap W. then some bill signings, a photo with a woman I once taught to swim at Lowell Park, also Mrs. America. Then a drop in & some Q&A with the Eagles and back to the W.H.