Diary Entry - 09/26/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the United Nations General Assembly and discusses peace in the world, citing a new U.S.-Soviet treaty to sharply reduce nuclear arms.
President Reagan participates in a Egyptian/Israeli Trilateral Meeting.
President Reagan hosts a reception for Secretary General Cuellar and other Heads of States.
Up & on our way—Marine 1 to Andrews, A.F.1 to Newark airport. Another Marine 1 to helipad in N.Y. harbor & motorcade to U.N. Bldg. Met by Chief of protocol & Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar. A brief stop in his office with Shultz & Vernon Walters. Then to courtesy call on U.N. Pres. (brand new) Dante Caputo Pres. of Gen. Assembly. Then into G.A. & my speech. Walters said most applauded speech he’s ever heard in the Assembly. Apparently I did strike a chord or two. Then Nancy left for Waldorf Astoria. I met with Sec. Gen. Then on to Am. Mission & lunch with Walters, Shultz, Ken D., Bea. Oglesby & Colin Powell. Up to 12th floor for a brief talk to our U.N. delegation. Over to Waldorf Astoria & meetings—1st with Foreign Minister Maguid of Egypt & also F.M. Shimon Peres of Israel. Next was Pres. Mugabe of Zimbabwe—he took most of meeting attacking Southern Africa. Then it was Sheikh Jabu Al-Ahmed—Amir of Kuwait.
From there we went to a brief meeting with the Gulf Cooperative Council members chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Saud Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia. Then upstairs in time to see Nancy off—to the Opera with the Annen bergs. For me it was shower & homework time. Then at 6 P.M. downstairs for reception for Sec. Gen. de Cuellar & heads of state. It went well. I shook a few more than 200 hands—had a few one on ones afterward around the room—Pres. of Venezuela, F.M. of Thailand etc. Then back to the suite for dinner alone & so to bed. Got word a few cliffhanger bills had gone our way—F18 sale to Kuwait for example.