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Diary Entry - 09/26/1986

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady attend a swearing-in ceremony for Justices Rehnquist and Scalia.

  • The President and First Lady participate in the dedication ceremonies of two new National Security Agency Operations buildings.

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High spot was the swearing in of Chf. Justice Rehnquist & Associate Justice Scalia in the East room. After lunch a meeting with Geo. S., Cap W. & Bill Casey plus our W.H. people Don R. John P. etc. It was a sum up of where we stand in the negotiations between Geo. & Shevardnadze. The difference between us is their desire to make it look like a trade for Daniloff & their spy Zakharov. We’ll trade Zakharov but for Soviet dissidents. We settled on some bottom line points beyond which we wont budge.

Then we picked up Nancy & helicoptered out to Ft. Meade for the opening of the new Nat. Security Agency complex. I spoke to 25,000 NSA employees. Then we helicoptered to Camp D. & topped the day with a swim.

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