Diary Entry - 09/26/1986

Key Facts
The President and First Lady attend a swearing-in ceremony for Justices Rehnquist and Scalia.
The President and First Lady participate in the dedication ceremonies of two new National Security Agency Operations buildings.
High spot was the swearing in of Chf. Justice Rehnquist & Associate Justice Scalia in the East room. After lunch a meeting with Geo. S., Cap W. & Bill Casey plus our W.H. people Don R. John P. etc. It was a sum up of where we stand in the negotiations between Geo. & Shevardnadze. The difference between us is their desire to make it look like a trade for Daniloff & their spy Zakharov. We’ll trade Zakharov but for Soviet dissidents. We settled on some bottom line points beyond which we wont budge.
Then we picked up Nancy & helicoptered out to Ft. Meade for the opening of the new Nat. Security Agency complex. I spoke to 25,000 NSA employees. Then we helicoptered to Camp D. & topped the day with a swim.