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Diary Entry - 09/23/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with Mr. Eddie Serrano and his son who has recently been sworn in as an ensign.

  • President Reagan participates in an interview with his biographer Edmund Morris.

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General discussion of Cong. & the games they are playing then a brief N.S.C. meeting & talk of Pres. of Irans diatribe to the U.N.G.A. Our team got up & walked out on him. Then Mr. & Mrs. Natan Scharansky came by—a photo & brief visit.

The Boys Club of Am. board members & officers came by—the 5 finalists for the Youth of the Year. The no. 1 lad received a plaque then he signed the 1 millionth pledge card against drugs. They pledged to get that many signatures last year & this was the finish. Two of the 5 were girls—they are now included in the Club.

A meeting on whether I should sign or veto the debt extension bill. I’m really torn on this one. I’m sure my gang thinks I should sign but everything in me says Veto. Watched a while—the Bork Hearing on T.V.—then lunch & some desk work. Three top officers of Farm Bureau came by—they are supporting us on Bork, taxes & even our effort to get rid of farm subsidies world wide by year 2000.

Eddie Serrano came by with his family & his son who was sworn in as a Navy Ensign. Meeting with Cap Weinberger—he’s for a veto. Interview with Edmund Morris my biographer. He’s been talking to old friends in Hollywood, Des Moines etc.

Then upstairs to get ready for the Cong. picnic on the S. Lawn. Marine Band is going to do a program of Meredith Willson’s music. Mrs. Willson will be present.

The party's over & it was great. The band was wonderful & so were the fireworks.

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