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Diary Entry - 09/21/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses the United Nation's General Assembly.

  • President Reagan learns that U.S. helicopters have caught an Iranian ship laying mines in the Persian Gulf shipping lanes.

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Up early & off at 9 A.M. for N.Y. & the U.N. A 45 min. flight to Newark N.J. & then a helicopter ride to N.Y. & a motorcade to the U.N. Met with Amb. Walters & escorted in by Chf. of Protocol Ali Teymour. Met by Sec. Gen. de Cuellar & his wife. We went to his Foyer for a brief visit. Then to the U.N. Pres’s. office & finally into the Gen. Assembly for my speech. It went well. Then said goodbye to Nancy who had a luncheon engagement. Back to a full meeting with Sec. Gen. & Pres. & our staff.

We went to the U.S. mission where Amb. Walters hosted lunch for us. Then upstairs for one on one meetings with 1st P.M. Junejo of Pakistan, 2nd my friend Yasu Nakasone of Japan, & 3rd Pres. Cerezo of Guatemala. Ended day with meeting with 18 Foreign Sec’s. Subject nuclear disarmament.

Then Nancy joined me & we headed home—W.H. lawn at 6 P.M.—Dinner in the study. Rcv’d. word the Iranians shelled a British Tanker setting it on fire—no details yet. Then our helicopters came upon an Iranian landing ship laying mines. They fired on the ship. Our surface vessels are closing in to get evidence if there are mines on board. Phone Call. We have 3 ships standing by the craft & going to board at daylight.

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