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Diary Entry - 09/20/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-20-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a breakfast meeting with new Presidential Appointees.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to receive a $50 million check from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to go to the US Treasury.

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Spent morning in an N.S.C.P.G. meeting framing what I would say or rather how I’d say on T.V. what we were going to do in Lebanon. Anyway at 5 P.M. I said it—all 3 networks from the Oval office. A Cabinet meeting—main subject our relations with Am. Indians. We are going to put our relationship with tribes on a govt. to govt. basis. Next issue the R.R. strike. We are asking Cong. for emergency powers to put them back to work during Fed. mediation—this could keep the trains running until June 30—1984. Forgot to say I opened the day with a breakfast for about 200 of my appointees—just a get acquainted session. S.W. Texas Cattlemen’s Assn. presented me with a handsome bronze by Jim Reno. Tom O’Brien & wife from Scottsdale came by for a hello. And met with 6 yr. old Lanette Butler—Sickle Cell Anemia poster girl. She’s so cute—I hope they find a cure soon.

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