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Diary Entry - 09/17/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-17-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in his 32nd Press Conference.

  • President Reagan receives a preliminary report from the Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management.

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Rev. Weir & his family are at a “safe house” here in our country. His family was a little hard to handle. They insisted on going to a hotel but we managed to move them when he arrived. So far the secret is holding & they are all together. We’ve been told by the mystery man in Beirut the others (hostages) will follow.

Dave Packard & his commission came in & we had a brief meeting. This is the group studying the Defense Dept. We’re hoping they can reassure the people about our defense buildup & that we’re not buying $400 hammers.

Six Ambassadors & their familys arrived—the usual picture taking etc. Then Chief Justice Burger came by with the 1st report of the commission on the bicentennial of the Const. which he heads. Today is the 198th anniversary of the signing. It’s also the Chiefs birthday.

A meeting with Congressional leaders re the farm legislation. I think we’re tracking together. Some practice for the press conf. & upstairs for awhile—then zero hour.

Press conf. went very well—early phone calls were 86% favorable. Most questions were on coming summit—some on trade.

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