Diary Entry - 09/15/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the Recognition Ceremony for Elementary School.
President Reagan attends the Congressional Barbecue on South Lawn of the White House.
Thousands of coastal residents from Mexico to Louisiana are fleeing to higher ground, a day after Hurricane Gilbert pounds the Yucatan Peninsula.
Into office at 10 A.M.—Ken told me he’d had a good day Wed.—meeting with Sen. Steering Com.
Sen. is voting on Textile bill today. Rostenkowski wants it to go to Conf. I think he’s stalling to prevent me from having a pocket veto.
Sen. Dems. are against our proposal for a minimum wage for training jobs.
House is working on a drug bill and probably will run out of time.
Then some discussion of a ridiculous book by Jane Mayer. She quotes from some staff members (Don Regans men) to the effect that at time of Don’s leaving I was so depressed & confused they were advocating I resign under the 25th amendment as no longer capable of doing job. It is all a complete lie but the press is being it’s usual pain in the rear.
N.S.C.—We have a No. Korean defector— [. . .]
Soviets have completed their nuc. test explosion with our observers there. This is carrying out terms of test ban treaty. Hurricane has hit Jamaica—most powerful ever recorded. 300,000 people homeless. I have suggested we name someone—say a David Rockefeller to organize a pvt. sector fund raising to provide help.
A briefing for my meeting with the Hispanic Media. Then the meeting at E.O.B.—I took Q’s.
Back to my Thurs. Mexican lunch then off to the Marriott hotel to address reps. of 287 elementary schools being recognized for the improvement they’ve made & their high level of accomplishment. Back to the Oval O. a report—very interesting by Frank Carlucci on his China trip. Also a Personnel meeting with Bob Tuttle. Some desk work & upstairs early. Our S. Lawn B.B.Q. with Cong. begins at 6:45.
It turned out to be a really fun affair & the “Capitol Steps” non- professionals—staff members in the Cong. really were great entertainers with a marvelous routine.