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Diary Entry - 09/15/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-15-1984

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady attend the annual NIAF Dinner.

View the President's Schedule
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Radio broadcast & some audio tapings in the A.M. for campaign commercials. Big event of the day was the dinner for the Nat. Italian-Am. Foundation at the Wash. Hilton. Speakers were Ferraro, Bush, Mondale & me.

A little Hanky Panky! Arriving at the hotel we were told Ferraro & Mondale were late because her dress was late in getting to the hotel. We & the Bushes sat in a holding room because we were told that no one by protocol could be announced or introduced after our entrance. A room full of a few thousand people were in there sitting on their hands & waiting for dinner. I finally told our advance people to tell them what was holding things up and that I was waiving protocol & we were coming in. I dont know whether I have the right to waive protocol or not. Anyway, we went in to a happy & tumultuous welcome. Then M. & F. came on about 4 minutes after we’d entered. Someone told us they’d been standing in the wings. I think they were playing games. If so—we won for while they were applauded there was also a chorus of Boo’s. Then a 2nd hitch. Protocol demanded that both of them speak first, then George & I. We suddenly heard the toastmaster Jack Valenti putting George on before Mondale. Again as I say none of it paid off—we carried the evening.

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