Diary Entry - 09/14/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with a group of religious editors attending a luncheon briefing on tuition tax credit legislation.
Bashir Gemayel, president-elect of Lebanon since August 23, is assassinated when a bomb demolishes the headquarters of the Lebanese Christian Phalangist party in East Beirut.
Princess Grace of Monaco, the former actress Grace Kelly, dies at age fifty-two.
Met briefly with a group of anti-abortion leaders. They recognize the effort I’ve made to end the Weicher-Packwood filibuster of the Helms amendment. Word came that a bldg. had been bombed in Beirut where Pres. elect Bashir Gemayel was speaking. Later word came he was alright. Much later word came he’d been killed. We’re not sure at this point what we should believe, but fear the worst. Met with Dole, Moynihan & Packwood about the Tuition Tax Credit bill. There’s a good chance it can come out of Sen. finance committee tomorrow. Might even get voted on by the Sen. Dr. Teller came in. He’s pushing an exciting idea that nuclear weapons can be used in connection with Lasers to be non destructive except as used to intercept & destroy enemy missiles far above the earth. Bill Verity had large group of C.E.O.’s of trade assn’s. in to get them interested in our private initiative program. Launched the Combined Fed. Campaign (charity) Drew Lewis Chmn. this year. Met with Cong. Caucus on textiles & C.E.O.’s of large textile firms. They have a real concern re the import of textiles from China. We have to help them. Greeted new W.H. Fellows & then went to an East Rm. reception for donors to the Wash. Charity Dinner. Pat Boone, Efram Zimbalist Jr. & several other old friends. The whole idea started about 3 yrs. ago in our living room—conversation with Pat & a couple of others. Tonite learned Princess Grace of Monaco died as a result of an auto crash.