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Diary Entry - 09/13/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-13-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Roy Acuff and then heads over to the Grand Ole Opry for Mr. Acuff's 81st birthday celebration.

  • Simon Peres forms an Israeli government with Likud.

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On A.F.1 again—this time to Tennessee. First stop an address to the top bus. leaders of the state. Gov. Alexander & Sen. H. Baker with me. The Sen. was victim of a “roast” Wed. night—I participated with some quips. He took it all well. Today we met with Roy Acuff at his home—then over to Grand Ole Opry for a rally celebrating his 81st B.D. which will actually be day after tomorrow. After my remarks he made it a pol. rally by eloquently calling for my re-election. Back to the W.H.

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