Diary Entry - 09/12/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the annual meeting of the National Association of Towns and Townships.
President Reagan participates in the opening ceremony for Hispanic Heritage Week 1983.
President Reagan announces the appointment of Katherine D. Ortega as U.S. Treasurer.
N.S.C. on Lebanon—things a little more quiet. A meeting there in Beirut as Gemayal attempts to get a cease fire. The Druse actually allowed the long delayed red cross column into the village where 40,000 Christian refugees have been beseiged. Addressed the Nat. Assn. of Towns & Townships. They are a most supportive & friendly group. Next stop was to address the Hispanic Heritage group in the East Room. I concluded by naming a remarkable woman Katherine Ortega to be the Treasurer of the U.S. This launched Hispanic history week. The day just didn’t seem to end. I met with our commission on competitiveness in international trade—a group of really top private citizens. Then a meeting with a Japanese business group who are here to stimulate more exports to Japan. A cabinet meeting on the difficult problem of unitary tax policy on International business concerns. This has to do with our state taxation of such firms. Also our position on extending unemployment insurance came up. I approved an 18 mo. extension. Finally a reception for Ohio & Mich. Repubs. each of whom contributed $5000 to the party. Did Q&A.