Diary Entry - 09/11/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony to make the following week "Hispanic Heritage Week."
The President and First Lady participate in an interview for "Good Evening America" on ABC, to be aired later that evening.
Began the day with staff meeting at 9:45 A.M. Howard B. told me Beryl S. is going to go back to teaching. Jim Miller of O.M.B. has been mentioned as taking his place here. If we do this I’d like to make Joe Wright—head of O.M.B.
A brief N.S.C. briefing & then a briefing for 2 upcoming interviews. The 1st was with J. J. Kilpatrick. We’re old friends & I enjoyed it. Haven’t seen it in print yet.
(Next interview was a group job—“U.S.A America” concluded it’s 55,000 mile bus tour around Am. with me) [crossed out]
I think I’ve just goofed—I did that interview Thurs. This time it was for “U.S. News & World Report.” Then it was lunch time. After lunch a Rose Garden ceremony signing a proclamation that next week will be “Hispanic Heritage Week.”
Meeting with George S.—most time spent on next weeks meeting with Shevardnadze. And finally a lengthy taping session.
Change clothes—Nancy & I did a quick “Good Evening America” taped announcement for ABC show which goes on at 10 P.M. tonite. Show features Ron—doing among other things—a stint in the ring with Middleweight Champ “Sugar Ray Leonard.” Then off to Camp David.