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Diary Entry - 09/10/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-10-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a tour of the Mormon Church Regional Welfare Cannery.

  • President Reagan receives an honorary membership in the Weber County Sheriff's Mounted Posse.

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Off to Kansas & Utah. Spoke at Alf Landon lecture series K.S.U. About 16,000 present—students & towns people. Alf is 95—We all sang “Happy Birthday.” Sens. Nancy Kassebaum, & Bob Dole were there. Speech well received. Then went to a fund raiser for Repubs. I think maybe I rambled on too long. Boarded A.F.1 for Utah—Orrin Hatch aboard. Had a round table meeting with Western St. Repub. Chmn. Spent the evening on the phone to Senators re the override of my veto of an appropriations bill. Then until midnight did some cards for speech on Fri. to Repub. fundraiser. We put Orrin on a plane back to Wash. that evening so he could vote. Fri. visited a Mormon Cannery—a wonderful example of how much greater welfare could be if more churches did what Mormons are doing. All the workers are volunteers from the Church. The tomatos they were canning were raised on church owned land, planted & picked by volunteers. On to the Rally—slight drizzle but 10,000 people out standing in a park—very enthusiastic. Made honorary member Weber Co. Sheriffs posse. Flew back to Camp David.

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