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Diary Entry - 09/07/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a fundraiser in Los Angeles for Ed Zschau, who is running for the Senate.

  • Desmond Tutu is installed as the Anglican archbishop of Capetown, the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.

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Left the ranch at 11:45, as usual it was a beautiful day. Had lunch at the hotel & spent the P.M. with some homework. Word came the Soviets were going to officially charge Daniloff with espionage. Gorbachev response to my letter was arrogant & rejected my statement that Daniloff was no spy. I’m mad as h--l. Had a conf. call with Geo. S., John P., Don Regan. Decision was to wait until Tues. in Wash. where we could explore our course of action. This whole thing follows the pattern. We catch a spy as we have this time & the Soviets grab an American—any American & frame him so they can then demand a trade of prisoners.

This evening was the fund raiser for Ed Zschau our cand. for Cranstons Sen. seat. It was a very successful event and raised a pot full of money.

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