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Diary Entry - 09/06/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends the Dedication of the Garold C. J. and Marie Gray Center for the Communication Arts at Hastings College.

  • President Reagan travels to Louisville KY, and addresses the National Convention of the American Legion.

  • A twenty-five-hour drama begins as technical problems keep a two-man Soviet space crew from returning to Earth aboard a Soyuz space capsule.

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On my way to Marine 1 at 8:30. Nancy doesn’t leave til 10 A.M. She’ll be doing some errands in L.A. & Phoenix & wont be coming to Wash. until Thurs. the 8th.

At Point Mugu I boarded A.F.1 & was off to Hastings College in Hastings Neb. The C. J. & Marie Gray Center for the Communications Arts at the college was being dedicated. They were the parents of Bob Gray. I spoke & then was given an honorary degree of Dr. of Communication. Following this I mixed with about 50 of the college officials for awhile. The ceremony was outdoors & about 20,000 in the crowd. Gov. Kay Orr introduced me. Back to the plane but addressed a group in a hangar 1st—a fund raiser for David Karnes.

Then on to Louisville Ky. where I addressed the Nat. Convention of the Am. Legion—8000 people. All went well and after the usual photos I was on my way to Wash. arriving there (or here) at 9:25 P.M. And so to bed—but in the A.M. I’m going to raise a holler. My box with all my cuff links & tie tacks etc. is missing.

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