Diary Entry - 09/06/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan places a phone call to the President of the National Baptist Convention.
President Reagan participates in taping a message for the 75th Anniversary of the National Association for the Advancement for Colored People (NAACP).
A full day—it always is when I’ve been away for a few days. The big event in the A.M. was an address to the Nat. B’nai B’rith Convention. I knew I was following Mondale who, it had been rumored, was going to do a job on me. I was not going to make a pol. speech but talk about matters of interest to them—Israel etc. I was right & he was wrong. Reports are that he was coolly but politely rcvd. I have to say my own reception was overwhelming—interrupted 18 times by applause. Come to the evening news—T.V.-ABC-CBS&NBC & you would never have known it. All 3 did a slick hatchet job.
Lunch with V.P. then met with 4 of our Senators from farm states to hear their reports on farm problems which are considerable. A Cabinet Council on Copper & Steel. One decision made—we can not help the Am. Copper Mining industry with protectionist measures. We can offer help to unemployed miners—relocation, job training etc.
Admin. time—officials from nat. bowling assn’s. & amateur bowling finalists.—Photo with Statler Bros. who are doing great work in anti-drug campaign.—Photo with editor London Times. Then a busy half hour of taping for a variety of events. Earlier did some audio tapes for T.V. campaign commercials.