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Diary Entry - 09/04/1986

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady enjoy a horseback ride around the grounds at Rancho del Cielo.

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Had our ride, but 1st I called Geo. S. re our man Daniloff in the Soviet U. I asked his opinion of my thought that perhaps I should communicate directly with Gorbachev & tell him Daniloff was not working for our govt. At about 5 P.M. I signed such a message.

Dennis, Barney & I spent afternoon splitting the Oak from the trees of the last 2 days. Then Dennis had the tip of his little finger crushed & went down to Santa B. for medical care. The hand specialist there has put it back together but feels he may have to amputate just the 1st joint if his surgery doesn’t hold.

9 P.M. a call from John P. A Pan Am plane with 300 + people on board bound from Bombay to Frankfort landed in Karachi. Three or 4 men in some kind of mil. uniform high jacked it but the crew got away so the plane cant be flown. Hijackers are demanding that a crew be provided to fly them to Cypris.

My next call was for an OK to send our trained experts in hijack situations to Pakistan. They got it.

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