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Diary Entry - 09/03/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting on Beirut.

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An N.S.C. meeting, this time on Beirut. Bud MacFarlane is back. His report held out some hope but there would be more if we could persuade the Israelis to stay several days longer in the “Shuf.” Gemayal has finally, officially asked Syria to leave Lebanon. So I called Begin, he switched us to Defense Minister Arens. No soap. It was too late the Israelis are already on the move. We’ve held the carrier Eisenhower off Beirut & brought 2000 Marines from Egypt to standby—off shore as protection for the M.N.F. in Beirut. The Lebanese force trained by us has done a d--n good job in quieting things in Beirut but are still needed there & cant be pushed into the Shuf just yet. The Druse have already massacred about 40 Men, Women & children & we fear there may be more when the Israelis pull out. Paul Nitze is off tomorrow for Geneva & a resumption of the I.N.F. talks.

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