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Diary Entry - 08/31/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan horseback rides around his home in Santa Barbara, C A.

  • Fourteen people are killed as a Delta Boeing 727 crashes during takeoff from Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

  • In South Africa the Khotso House is bombed, injuring 21 people.

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Another bright but hot day. Up as usual ’bout 8 A.M. & then later a ride. After lunch back to our pruning. A note from Kathy. She’s leaving with Ken D.—back to Wash. Shelley starts high school Mon. Cleaned up, dinner—a list of T.V. & reading—then to bed. T.V. news taken up with tragic Delta plane crash in Dallas. Then politics & press trying to portray Geo. B. as breaking away from me on environmentalist. This is an image the press has tried to paint me as against environmentalism. To Bed.

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