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Diary Entry - 08/30/1986

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady attend a party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Klinger for members of the press accompanying the President.

  • President Reagan receives word that the Soviets have imprisoned an American reporter from U.S. News and World Report.

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A morning ride after my radio talk. Was also interviewed by C-Span & A.P. Phil Sh--- came by at 2 P.M. It seems some Santa Barbara citizens had an idea about my Presidential Library being here. They didn’t know it was already set for Stanford. Recv’d word the Soviets have imprisoned an American member of the press—(U.S. News & World Report). He’s charged with spying. State Dept. has told Ambass. Dobrynin to meet with them immediately. Ended day at annual Press party at the Klinger estate in Santa Barbara. A lot of hand shaking & a gillion photos. Then a quiet evening at the ranch with T.V.

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