Diary Entry - 08/30/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan tours the Goddard Space Flight Center.
President Reagan is presented with a glass-blown model of the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite.
A trip to Goddard Space Flight Center. How can anyone protest that our Space program is a waste. I saw miracles all spinoffs from our space program—a small metal disc that can be affixed to a diabetes sufferer and it by the magic of a small computer supplies insulin automatically to the person. Computer & insulin are all contained in the disc. An improvement in fish nets that will increase the catch but reduce the time spent at sea tremendously—and on it went.
The V.P. & I lunched & talked about the campaign. Incidentally the Shuttle “Discovery” took off this morning. When the shuttle program was before Congress it passed by only 1 vote—leading the opposition was Fritz Mondale. Cab. Council met for a report on our drug program. It has been a great success—we’ve intercepted drugs with a street value in excess of $13 bil. Then admin. time—photos with Nat. Law Enforcement Council,—Chairman of Nat. Childrens eye care.—Pres of Nat. Lumber & Bldg. material Dealers Assn.—Barbara Mahone brought in her letter of resignation. She’s going back to Gen. Motors—a great gal. Then photos with editors of “Nat. Business Magazine.”