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Diary Entry - 08/29/1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan horseback ride around their home in Santa Barbara, CA.

  • President Reagan attends and addresses a dinner party at Barney Klingers home.

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A warmer day—morning ride—this time with Nancy. Lunch—Barney, Dennis & I decided we’d try to get in a little work before we had to clean up for the big party & dinner at Barney Klingers home. Sarah & Jim Brady came out for it & Sam Donaldson left his assignment with Dukakis to attend. It is the annual party for all the press & our staff.

But 1st we got in an hour & 1⁄2 hauling brush from yesterdays pruning to the dump. Then at 3 P.M. we headed for the showers to clean up for our 4:55 departure.

A phone call from Ken D.—Dick Wirthlin has taken a new poll—started last Sat. to check changes now that the Convention surge is over. My job rating is 59%. Handling of Ec. 54% approval. Foreign Policy handling 62%. Handling of U.S.S.R. relations 78%. Handling Persian Gulf 57%. Dukakis & Bush are tied at 47 to 47%. On the downside only 33% favor lethal aid to the Contras. On handling the deficit is 64% negative to 34% approve. Left for Heli pad at 4:55. Arrived at Klingers ranch. Did a receiving line of almost 500 people. Then dinner. A few words by me & recognition of Jim Bradys 48th birthday. Then we were given a gift of a 7 ft. Redwood sapling to plant. Back to Marine 1 & quite a pckg. of homework. Then to bed.

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