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Diary Entry - 08/27/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a Target 82 Fundraising Reception

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Vacation! Saw Sadat off. Had meeting on defense & another on speech to be made in Chi. Sept. 2nd. then off to Calif. landed at Pt. Mugu then Marine 1 to the ranch in time for dinner. Much has been done at the ranch re security facilities, office spaces etc. But it is all temporary & as minimal in its effect on appearance. Our new well produces about 60 gals. a minute which eliminates water problems. The Sea Bees have really worked even if their heavy equipment has churned the roads into dust bowls. On Wed. the 12th we had them all up for a B.B.Q. (about 90). One re-enlisted while there. His mates then tossed him into the lake, clothes & all. Every day was beautiful except for about 2 hours the morning of the 13th—then we had fog & the press for the signing of the budget & tax bills. An hour after everyone left the sun came out. Each day we rode in the A.M. then in the afternoon Barney, Dennis & I with vol. help from Dr. Ruge & our mil. aides cut up downed limbs & built brush piles for rainy season burning. Ten days of this—our longest single stretch at the ranch. The S.S. agents have caps titled U.S.S.S. Mounted Patrol. They have become enthusiastic horsemen. Met with Haig the afternoon of the 16th. On the 17th back to L.A. & the Century Plaza. Every night was a dinner out—with old friends. It was really enjoyable. The days were rather busy. Meetings—Cap., N.S.C., Charles Wick. A pol. reception on the 17th. More meetings on following days on Budget, with Sen. Tower & Cong. Dickinson on MX, the A.M.A. representatives etc. Thurs. the 20th went out on the Constellation. My 1st visit to a carrier. It was inspiring and renewed my faith in the vol. military. Forty men re-enlisted while I was on board. Stopped in Orange Co. for a Repub. fundraiser. August 22nd back to the ranch. We had finally made a dream come true. Bud Bredall made part of the barn into a tack room. We now have a dozen saddles & they were being stacked on top of each other. It turned out great. We’re waiting for word our house is sold so we can put up a guest house & a house to replace Lee’s trailer. Our buyer is strange and each day Escrow is to close making the sale final, a new excuse pops up delaying it. Cap & Ed came up for a meeting. Went to Santa Barbara one evening for a reception we gave the press corps, a Repub. fundraiser and finally a quiet dinner with the Deutches at the Tuttles. Back to the ranch for the last few days and then to L.A. A few more meetings and then to Chi. on Sept. 2nd. Back into the “iron vest.” We have an intelligence report that Quadaffi has told others he intends to have me assassinated. It’s a strange feeling to find there is a “contract” out on yourself. Sept. 3rd addressed about 5,000 Carpenter Union delegates at McCormack Place in Chi. Expected possibly a cool reception but it turned out fine including my remarks about the PATCO strike. Back in Wash. and we begin again.

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