Diary Entry - 08/19/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Governor's Advisory Council on Agriculture.
President Reagan sits in on the Junior Champion Auction, Sedalia, Missouri.
The Republican convention in Houston nominates Ronald Reagan to continue as president.
Off to the Sedalia Mo. (State Fair). A good day but boiling hot. Gov. Kit Bond joined me for the day. It began with a seminar in which I heard from a number of leaders of farm organizations. They of course have some real problems having to do with high interest rates & the decline in land values due to lowered inflation. We are gathering all such information for a comprehensive study leading to a new farm bill in ’85. Then I visited the stock barn & saw some of the steers the young future farmers have raised for the judging. From there into the arena for the auction of the grand champion which brought $7,000 to the little girl who had raised him.
I addressed the crowd of several thousand who were evidently all on my side. One heckler high in the stands led to some Ad Libs by me which were received enthusiastically. Back to Wash.