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Diary Entry - 08/16/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 08-16-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with American Jewish Women leaders.

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for H.R. 4325, the Child Support Enforcement Act of 1984.

  • President Reagan receives the semi-annual "Summary Report of Inspector General Accomplishments."

View the President's Schedule
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A little stiff getting back into the routine. The usual staff & N.S.C. meetings then a session with some very nice ladies each of whom heads up a womens Jewish organization. They are concerned that the 1985 Womans conference in Nairobi may slide over into some anti-Israel resolutions. I assured them if it did we’d walk out. They were reassured. A Cabinet lunch—Don Regan reported on the economy—and it’s good. George S. gave a sum up on International affairs since we’ve been here & that is d--n good. Dave Stockman gave O.M.B.’s projection on budgets & deficits & the deficits are projected to be on a downward slide.

I went over to the Sheraton Wash. Hotel to the Symposium on Child {Support} Enforcement and signed H.R. 4325 the bill to set a nat. code for such enforcement. Back to the Oval for some routine chores and to receive a report—the 7th from our Council on Integrity & Efficiency—my “junkyard dogs”—the inspectors general. They have saved & or redirected $37 bil. in Fed. spending.

I was presented with the Nat. Guard man of the year award. Then met with the 6 yr. old Epilepsy Poster Child—a lovely little girl and finally had a brief visit with my old Coachs grand niece. Taped an ad for Jesse Helms & up to Mommie.

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