Diary Entry - 08/12/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan views a short documentary put together by Congressman Dornan (R-California) on his trip to Nicaragua.
President Reagan makes a speech to the Nation on television.
Some discussion of last nights T.V. news. They have jumped on me as selling out the Contras—acting as if the Central Am. Presidents plan is mine. Well it isn’t. I’m determined we will continue to support them. Then I OK’d an appointment to Pub. Liaison of Rebecca Range.
N.S.C.—Central Am. again. Got word Pres. Arias of Costa Rica is boasting he topped big Uncle Sam with his peace plan. Well his own plan has a loophole where the Contras are concerned. We’ll plug it.
Then I met with some of the Presbyterians who went to Central Am. & came back with a report to the Annual Nat. Congress of the church that was adopted by the church. It has the church assailing the Contras & us as the villains and Ortega & his thugs are the freedom loving heroes. We tried to give them some of the facts but I dont think we budged them. I was prepared for them to be left wing zealots but now I dont think so. They are sincere & honestly believe the things told them in Managua.
At lunch watched a 15 min. video tape put together by Cong.man Bob Dornan & some others on their trip to Nicaragua. Some Photos in the Oval O. then a meeting with Geo. S. He suggests a commission on Fair Trade to settle the question between Canada & the U.S. Also discussed making contact with new Japanese leaders when their election takes place. He’s very concerned about what the budget cuts are doing to our embassys & our foreign policy & he’s right. It’s short sighted of Cong. to say the least. He thinks Syria might very well be trying to get our most recent hostage “Glass” out.
Then an interview with Hugh Sidey & upstairs to shower & change clothes. After dinner back down for 8 p.m. T.V. speech to nation. Everyone thinks it went well.