Diary Entry - 08/11/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan signs a proclamation designating September 3, 1983 as a day of national celebration for the 200th Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaty of Paris.
Poland announces that it will release 476 more political prisoners but that 60 Solidarity activists will remain in custody.
The situation in Chad worsens. Faza Largeau has definitely been taken by the rebels & the Libyans. The French have sent 500 paratroopers to the capitol of Chad. Still no French air power leaving the air to the Libyans. They may be talking a “deal” with Quadafi—Libya is a big customer of France. Met with our Ambas. to Romania. I’m afraid he is being hassled a bit by the State dept. bureaucracy. Met with our Hispanic appointees. They are a great gang & it was a good meeting. I think they’ll do something to rebut the misinformation being peddled to Hispanics. First meeting with our Commission on Central Am. I’m very hopeful about this group. Signed a proclamation calling for celebration on Oct. 3 of the 200th anniversary of the Signing of the Paris Pc. Treaty which officially made us a nation—1783–1983. A mini-press conference in the press room. It went well—most questions about Chad. Finished day with some photos—our departing Ambas. to El Salvador, a few staff returning to civilian life. Rcv’d. the 1st St. John Newmann award. He is an Am. Saint who started the Catholic schools in Am. Award was given by Czechoslovakians. Some tapings—United way, Willy Mays day, Pete Wilson, etc. Then questioned by F.B.I. re the Carter papers. I’m packed & ready to head west tomorrow. First will have a big meeting on our I.N.F. strategy. Some want us to make some new movements just for the P.R. of it. I think to h--l with that lets settle on the bottom line & fight it out.