Diary Entry - 08/08/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Cincinnati, Ohio and tours and addresses the factory workers at U.S. Precision Lens Co.
President Reagan addresses the National Governors' Association Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Secretary of State Shultz narrowly escapes an assassination attempt in Bolivia.
Brkfast. as usual then up & away on Marine 1 to Andrews & A.F.1 to Cincinnati Ohio. You land across the river in Kentucky & chopper over to Cincinnati 1st to the U.S. Precision Lens Co. This is another of those great examples of high tech & a factory where everyone from the assembly line to the front office is enthusiastic about what they are doing. I saw them at work then I addressed them. It was great. Incidentally I had 2 Ohio Congressmen along Will Gradison & Bob McEwen. Then back to the chopper & on to the Convention Center. A short lunch with 6 Govs.—3 Dem. & 3 Repub. It was a good time & a darn constructive conversation. John Sununu of N.H. is chairman, then there were Jerry Baliks, D. Virginia, Richard Celeste D. Ohio, Michael Castle R. Del., Terry Branstead R. Iowa, & Bill Clinton D. Ark. Ken D. & Frank Donatelli were with me.
After lunch into the Gov’s meeting (46 of them) plus an audience of 800. My speech on Federalism was very well received. Then back to the chopper & to Ky & A.F.1. Got word Geo. Shultz’s motorcade in Bolivia was target of a bombing. But while there was some damage to cars—particularly the one Obie was riding in—there were no injuries. Back to the W.H. at about 3:30—upstairs & days end. Exercises dinner & bed time. Oh I did stop on the way at the Dr’s. office & got my sneeze shot.