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Diary Entry - 08/08/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 08-08-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan is awakened at 6am with news of a terrorist car bombing at a US Air Force base in West Germany killing an American soldier and his wife.

  • President Reagan signs the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985.

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Awakened at 6 A.M. by an N.S.C. call. A car bomb at our air base in W. Germany killed an Am. solider & one other believed to be his wife, 17 were wounded 14 of them Americans. D--n terrorists—h--l is too good for them.

A Cab. meeting on budget matters. Of the 13 appropriation bills to implement the budget 8 are bils. of $ over the budget resolution figures. I’ll veto anything a dollar over that limit.

A signing ceremony for Foreign Assistance Authorization bill. The 1st one I’ve had since 1981. This is one where I wanted more money than they allowed. They just wont recognize this is part of our nat. security. Security assistance for example to Turkey—a Turkish soldier only costs $6,000 a year. If we have to replace him with an American it’s $90,000.

Lunch with Geo. B. & then an ec. briefing—all in all I think there is reason to be optimistic on a continued recovery. A lengthy personnel session—lots of appt’s. & then up stairs to an empty W.H. Nancy will be away until Sat. P.M.

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