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Diary Entry - 08/08/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a briefing on Soviet efforts to develop military assets in outer space.

  • President Efrain Rios Montt of Guatemala is ousted by the military.

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Cong. has gone home—it was a pleasant & unhurried day. N.S.C. to start the day—subject Chad. Our A.W.A.C.S. & fighter cover are in the Sudan—but no French A.F. in Chad. Same time however the Libyan planes seem to have stopped bombing. It’s possible the French quietly made a deal. Of course the Press now portrays us as having sent combat air forces to intervene in Chad but the French refused to intervene. Dick Wirthlin’s latest poll shows no dip over the Fleet being in Nicaraguan waters. Had a briefing on the Soviets & Space. There is no question but that they are working (twice as hard as us) to come up with a military superiority in outer space. Had an interview with a young lady from M magazine. She seemed very nice—now we’ll see if she really was when the article comes out in Sept. Dennis LeBlanc has found telephone poles—when we get to the ranch we’ll start fencing in the field by the house. The Bankers raised the prime 1⁄2 point to 11%. The Stock mkt. nose dived 20 points. I hope this wont cool the recovery.

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