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Diary Entry - 08/07/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan places a call to Diarmuid F. O'Scannalin, Co-Chairman of the Oregon State Republican Party.

  • President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with members of the White House Military Office.

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We’ll start a new book with some more briefings on S. Africa—in particular Pres. Botha’s letter to me—I think he’s warmed up after my speech & just maybe he’s opened a door a little.

Then it was desk time until lunch with the V.P. Well one more thing before lunch—Ed Meese & Peter W. (W.H. Counsel) came in. The lynch mob (Sen. Judiciary Comm.) wants again some confidential papers from Justice Dept. dating back to when Scalia was a deputy Attorney Genl. I should be able to claim exec. privilege but if I do, they’ll just hold Scalia hostage. I therefore have agreed to waive my right in this case.

After lunch Wm Lucas & wife came by. He is the nominee for Gov. of Mich. He’s a black who made a great record as exec. head of Mich’s largest county. He won this nomination against 3 opponents. He’s a very impressive man with a very charming wife. I’m going to lend a hand in his campaign. We had our Ec. Policy Council meeting on the N.A.S.A. problem. I came out with what I always wanted—we’ll start the new shuttle in ’87 not ’88 and we’ll shift unmanned satellite launches to a pvt. commercial business.

Ended the day with a bunch of photos & acceptance from A.H.E.P.A. [American Hellenic Education Progressive Association] of their Socrates Award—their highest honor. Up stairs & waited for Mommy to come home & come home she did—Rex got to her 1st but that’s because he can outrun me.

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