Diary Entry - 08/06/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a National Security Council working luncheon.
President Reagan places many calls to Governors, Mayors and State Legislators about the administration's Federalism Program.
Lebanon announces that the Palestine Liberation Organization has agreed to terms for the peaceful withdrawal of its forces from the country.
Well—we wont go to the Ranch next Wed.—the Cong. will still be here and probably voting on the tax bill. But the good news is we’ll be going a week from Wed. & get an extra week added on til after Labor Day. Another meeting with Congressmen on the tax issue. I think we’re making some headway. A cabinet meeting—Mac B. reported headway on our steel problems with Europe. Had my teeth cleaned—it’s getting easier. A loaded up spending bill passed which I’ll have to veto even though it includes our C.B.I. program. Nancy is home—the place looks & feels different. Have been making scads of phone calls to Govs., Mayors, state legislators and county officials re the Federalism program. We’re aiming for Cong. in Jan.