Diary Entry - 08/05/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan meets President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Anwar al Sadat to discuss the US Naval maneuvers off the Libyan coast.
President Reagan learns that as the 48 hour deadline that he set for the Air Traffic Controllers passes, only 38% have returned to work. The President fires 11,345 Air Traffic Controllers.
Deadline day for the air controllers strike. About 38% are working—air travel is at 75% of normal. We’ve learned we’ve had about 6000 more air controllers than we need. In Chi. Lane Kirkland (Pres. of AFL-CIO) & the exec. comm. joined the picket line. How do they explain approving of law breaking—to say nothing of violation of an oath taken by each a.c. that he or she would not strike. Pres. Sadat arrived. We had good meetings. I told him of our naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean on Aug. 18 & that our ships & planes would cross the Kadaffi line into the Gulf of Sidra. He almost shouted—“magnificent!” The State Dinner was a success. I’m encouraged that between us maybe we can do something about peace in the middle east.