Diary Entry - 08/01/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Vice President Bush and Chief of Staff Donald Regan to discuss the budget.
137 people are killed when a Delta Air Lines jumbo jet crashes while attempting to land at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.
A lengthy session with Ec. Policy Council on Farm Bills & the Agri. situation. The coming year appears to be worse than what we’ve just gone through. Half of farming is outside all govt. agri. programs & it’s having no ec. problems. Govt. has led to the present situation for the other half. Having caused the problem, govt. has to help bail out the victims now & then work to return farming to it’s free mkt.
Addressed a few words in the East Room to members of the religious press. Then Geo. B. & I had lunch on the Truman balcony. Don R. joined us after lunch with the newest Bud. figures—The Conf. has agreed to a plan that will cut spending $55 Bil. next yr. & $277 Bil. over 3 yrs. It isn’t as good as we asked but I’ll buy it with the understanding that we’ll keep trying for more cuts in ’87 & ’88. It’s on the House floor now & they’ll probably go half the nite. Bob Dole came up for a drink at 5:30 with Don R. & I think we smoothed some ruffled Sen. feathers. I had a pimple removed from my nose a couple of days ago & already the press is trying to make it cancer.