Diary Entry - 07/31/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan visits Bethesda Hospital, MD, to get carcinoma from the tip of his nose removed.
Opened day talking about an Exec. order I’m going to do on Covert operations. We believe it might soothe some of the wild ones on the hill. A little talk about my meeting with Presbyterian group on Nicaragua. I’m the only one who thinks I should do this.
On the Hill the trade bill is now the result of 8 committees input. Jim Baker say Ec. Council is on our side. There’s a chance Sen. might pass a longer extension of the debt limit plus an amendment on G.R.H. sequester.
N.S.C.—Geo. S. attended. He discussed our Embassy bldg. or I should say rebuilding problems in Moscow—a memo of recommendations is on it’s way. Then a few words on Mid-East peace process. He had word that Hussein & Shamir had a secret meeting at the Kings (Hussein) house in Eng. King H. was most considerate he asked S. to come stay the night on Fri. so he wouldn’t have to break the Sabbath by traveling on Sat. He also had a complete menu of Kosher food.
Met & had photo with Chris Shays, cand. (GOP) for Cong. Conn.—Seat held by McKinney who died.
Then a briefing for meeting with Pres. Bongo of Gabon. He arrived at 11:30—then we moved to W.H. for lunch meeting at 12:15. He’s quite a guy. Merme had told me about him. He’s a free enterpriser & his people have highest per capita income of all the new African countries. His country has some budget problems right now because of drop in oil price. He has attracted $700 mil. in foreign investment—most of it American.
Departure statements at 1:30 then a meeting with leaders of Am. Legion who toured Central Am. They are going nat. wide with a report on the Sandinistas that supports our position.
I pre taped my radio talk in case I dont get home from Bethesda until tomorrow. Some photos with 2 stewards & their familys & upstairs to change clothes for trip to hospital.
At hospital went into surgery almost immediately. A little divot was removed from the tip of my nose. Then we waited for more than a half hour while they froze the divot & checked it out in the lab. The verdict was I had to have another slice removed. Again a wait & this time the verdict was, they had gotten all the carcinoma. Then Nancy & I waited while the Dr’s. huddled on what procedure should be followed in my healing. The verdict was for cosmetic surgery, skin graft etc. for fastest healing. So onto the table again for the plastic surgeons. Back to W.H. 4 hrs. later for an 8 P.M. dinner. Once in bed I did the stupidest thing. The Dr. has me putting oil in my ear twice a day for a minor infection from swimming. This time I put the oil in my left nostril. I had a h--l of a time trying to get rid of it and rid my throat of the awful taste.