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Diary Entry - 07/31/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-31-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council briefing on Naval maneuvers.

  • The President and the First Lady travel to Camp David for the weekend.

  • The leader of Panama, General Omar Torrijos, died in a plane crash.

View the President's Schedule
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A lengthy working lunch. N.S.C. briefing on Naval games in the gulf of Sidra. We’ll find out how serious Khadaffi is about claming half the Mediterranean for himself. Big discussion about proceeding with the tactical 8 inch weapon the “Enhanced radiation warhead.” Al worries about Europe’s reaction. My decision we’re not deploying them, we’re stockpiling a defensive weapon. We dont announce it but if word leaks as it will we point out the Carter Admin. had ordered the key part to be made but not assembled into the shell. In other words, we stockpiled 2 parts of the shell separately. We’re just putting them together. Off to Camp David—late as usual.

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