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Diary Entry - 07/30/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with leaders of national service organizations to become involved in the fight against drug abuse.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with Secretary Shultz to discuss the President's desire to send the current U.S. Ambassador to Liberia to South Africa.

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Our staff meetings were a little more meaty than usual what with S. Africa, Congress stirring about sanctions etc. To add to that the Sen. has opened the hearing on my appt. of Rhenquist to be Chief Justice. The 1st meeting was last evening—highlited by vitriolic attacks on T.V. by Sens. Kennedy, Metzenbaum & Biden. They really are a lynch mob.

At 11:30 A.M. I addressed the leaders of a number of org’s. ranging from Kiwanis to Knights of Columbus & Girl Scouts & a dozen others. The subject was their involvement in a national effort to wipe out the drug problem. At lunch I read a letter & a speech sent to me by Buthelezi the Zulu Chief in S. Africa. Both were the most statesmanlike works I’ve seen in a long time. I’ve never heard or read the case against sanctions expounded better.

Geo. S. came by & I gave them to him to read. I wish everyone could see them. We will probably name our present Ambas. to Liberia to go to S. Africa. He’s a remarkable man & self made. He’s also Black.

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