Diary Entry - 07/29/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan delivers the eulogy at the service in remembrance of Secretary Baldrige.
President Reagan meets with several young people who will be participating in the upcoming Special Olympics at Notre Dame.
Took up matter of George Allen. He’s heading up our physical fitness program & the Foundation for same. We have to ask him to resign from Foundation—he’s not allowed to do both in addition to maintaining his interests in private sector.
It looks favorable for us to get a temporary debt ceiling right away. Sen. Byrd I’m happy to say has volunteered that he’ll get Judge Borks nomination out of the committee to the floor of Sen. We provided the investigating committee (Iran-Contra) with 200,000 pages of documents & did not invoke Exec. privilege.
N.S.C.—While things are looking pretty good for an agreement with Soviets on I.N.F., it seems likely they will try to link S.D.I. to the matter of I.C.B.M.s—our START proposal.
Frank C. & Howard B. went up on hill yesterday to meet with Dem. leaders. They support our Nicaragua peace proposals but wont go for Contra aid which is only way to get Sandinistas to talk peace.
At 9:45 A.M. picked up Nancy and we went to the Cathedral which was packed for memorial service to Mac Baldridge. I did the Eulogy. Some of our intelligence warned that such a gathering could be a prime terrorist target. The entire govt. chain of command was present. Except for one. I had to ask Sec. Bennet not to come so at least one person in the chain of succession if President is eliminated would be available to assume the office. But everything went well—security was overwhelming.
Back to W.H. & over to E.O.B. to address Nat. Law Enforcement Council—about 200 police officers from all over the country. Lunch with V.P. Then into Rose Garden to speak to Presidents of Future Farmers of Am. They were a fine looking bunch of young people. A meeting with Geo. Shultz. Some of time spent on Kohl & the Pershing 1A’s but most of time on his concern that N.S.C. is infringing on State Dept’s. functions & responsibilities.
Eunice Shriver brought in 7 retarded young people—who are entered in the “Special Olympics” to be held at Notre Dame. Then over to Dr’s. office where they took a shaving off my nose to see if I’m having another Basal Cell Carcinoma. I’ll know tomorrow if I have & then they’ll take it off.