Diary Entry - 07/29/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan chooses Admiral William Crowe take the position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
President Reagan meets with Chief of Staff Donald Regan to discuss the budget.
The space shuttle Challenger begins an eight-day mission.
Maureen arrived victorious from Nairobi.
Actually into the office (9:30 A.M.) for a short half day. Met with Don R. and I told him I wanted to get into the Budget hassle. Sticking points center around a Repub. proposal for a 5 or $10 a barrel oil import levy & Tip ONeill’s insistence there be no halting of S.S. COLAS . Of course there is still difference between our spending cut proposals & the Demos. They are blowing smoke with pretended cuts for which there is no real evidence to sustain their claims. My proposal was that I inform the conferees there will be no tax increases & the S.S. COLAS will not be touched—but we want the spending cuts we’ve asked for. Outcome after Don round tabled the idea was that I called Bob Dole & told him. He didn’t put up a fight. He was due at 2 P.M. in a meeting with Tip & the Conferees. Then at 3 P.M.
Don R. would meet with the Chairmen—Sen. Domenici & Rep. Gray. I made my call and waited to hear back. Meanwhile I met with Admiral Bill Crowe & Cap W. Bill is my choice for Chmn. of the Joint Chiefs replacing Gen. Vessey who is retiring. Then it was desk work and home for lunch. Don R. called—Dole was upset even though he was peaches & cream to me on the phone. Pete could hardly conceal his anger Don said when they met. He feels that he stuck his neck out—pitching for a tax increase & then I undercut him. Well he never consulted me before he went public with his tax idea and he’s known for 2 yrs. or more of my opposition to a tax increase.
Don is trying now to set up lunch tomorrow for Pete & Bill Gray & me—up here in the family dining room. I guess that’s it for today.