Diary Entry - 07/29/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with 300 members of the Future Farmers of America on their annual visit.
President Reagan hosts a reception for state leaders of the National Associations of Elementary and Secondary School Principals.
Brkfst. with McLaughlin T.V. cast—Pat Buchanan, Bob Novak, Georgie Anne Geyer, Jack Germond & of course John McLaughlin. It was a freewheeling & on the record. Most of it had to do with Central Am. It was interesting to see their show on Sat. & hear them discuss the breakfast. Pat (to my surprise) & Bob did seem to remember things in a different way from how I’d said them. Georgie Anne brought them up several times with on the nose corrections. N.S.P.G. meeting on possible covert operations [. . .] in Central Am. They’ll need further discussion. Saw Future Farmers of Am. in the Rose Garden—their annual visit. A great bunch of kids—1st female Pres. in Hist.—a young lady from Calif. They pledged their backing of what I’m doing. Dick Wirthlin with some poll results. We’re not getting across our Central Am. position. House voted against covert aid but I think Senate will kill their bill—if not I’ll veto. East Room to speak to Nat. Assns. of elementary & secondary school principals. Off to Camp David.