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Diary Entry - 07/28/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-28-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Congressional leaders and discusses the Defense Authorization Bill.

  • President Reagan attends a meeting and discusses a response to the final report of the Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic.

  • Both houses of Congress overwhelmingly approve $6 billion in aid for drought-stricken farmers.

View the President's Schedule
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The morning was a little hurried. Ken reported that Speaker Wright & Rostenkowski say they will pass the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Bill before the Repub. Convention. No word yet from Byrd on the Sen. side.

Got word that Lee Greenwood whose great song was played at the Dem. convention much to his annoyance will sing at the Repub. Convention on the date of tribute to Nancy & me. Beryl Sprinkle & Jim Miller were in with more good ec. news. Earnings are up & so is Disposable Income.

N.S.C.—Soviets want review of A.B.M. treaty to take place in Sept.

Iran—Iraq. Iraq wants direct talks with Iran in N.Y. at U.N. If Iran holds out Iraq may go home with nothing settled. Both sides are now using chemical warfare. Then 9:30—Meeting with Congressional leadership & committee representatives in Cab. room. Every one of them spoke to matter of Defense Authorization bill. Majority want me to veto it. A veto can be sustained in House. Several of them want it signed including Frank C. I’m more & more convinced I should veto.

A little desk time then off to Convention Center to address 9500 young people (High school age)—the Student Congress on Evangelism. It was an inspiring event. Nancy spoke to them last night on drugs. I talked religion.

Back to W.H. & lunch with George B. We talked possible V.P. cand’s. Both of us are without a firm choice.

A photo with a departing member of advance team & family then over to E.O.B. to address Future Farmers of America. Back to my study—Oval O. is torn up for commercials I’m going to film for Bush campaign.

Dr. Ian Macdonald reported on AIDS findings of commission I’d appointed. He has the situation well in hand.

Then the Bush campaign spot ads & finally upstairs to await visit by Richard Nixon. As always he had some campaign suggestions that make great good sense.

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