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Diary Entry - 07/28/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in an Agriculture Policy meeting.

  • The President and First Lady meet with Vladimir Horowitz, concert pianist and his wife Wanda Toscanini.

View the President's Schedule
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Another Monday. After staff meetings I met with Cap W. He’s concerned about a move in Congress aimed at making fringe benefits of military subject to Inc. tax. I assured him I’d do all I could to prevent it.

Then a meeting in the Roosevelt room re a part of farm bill that would have us sell subsidized grain to the Soviet U. The conflict is between subsidizing agri. to make our farm produce more exportable and unfairly competing with countries like Australia or seeing our surpluses grow plus favoring the Soviet U. & China. Of course it is contrary to our efforts to persuade the allies to wipe out protectionism. I have to make a decision & soon. Frankly I don't have one.

An easy pleasant issues lunch then presentation of the medal of freedom to Vladamir Horowitz. We had a select group—many from the world of music & wound up the ceremony with a reception in the Red room.

Had a haircut then a meeting with Jim Broyhill who is concerned by an attempt in Cong. to raise the tax on cigarettes to 24 cents a pack. He went away happy—I told him I’d do everything I could to prevent it.

Then a stop at the Dr’s.—I’ve been passing blood in my urine since last night. He thinks it’s an inflamed prostate. Talked on phone to Father Jenco in Germany. I’m looking forward to meeting with him.

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