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Diary Entry - 07/27/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses 400 employees at Broan Manufacturing plant in Hartford, WI.

  • President Reagan addresses a group of civic leaders brought together by the local chapter of the Rotary Club in West Bend, WI.

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At 9:20 A.M. off to Wis.—one day trip. First stop was at Broan Manufacturers in Hartford, Wis. Another plant which has adopted reforms & practices for assembly line to top management & is truly competitive. I addressed their 400 employees in the plant, saw some of the operations and then got in motorcade for West Bend. I should point out there were several thousand people on hand when helicopter landed at Broan. Also that Sen. Bob Kasten & Jim Sensenbrenner were with me on A.F.1. When we landed at Billy Mitchell Field Milwaukee we were joined by Gov. Tommy Thompson—new Gov.

In West Bend we arrived through streets lined with far more people then live in the town. Here I addressed a luncheon of civic leaders brought together by the Rotary Club. In both places my talk on “Ec. Bill of Rights” was extremely well received. Then motorcade again to Port Washington on shore of Lake Mich. Here in a park I spoke to 30 or 40,000 enthusiastic people. It was a humbling feeling to be greeted with such warmth & affection. Then back to the helicopter & on to A.F.1. There I was greeted by a 12 yr. old girl just back from 2 weeks in Soviet U. She had written a song about peace which she sang to the Russians. She gave me a tape of it & a hug. Then back to W.H. Mermie has arrived & we all had dinner.

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