Diary Entry - 07/27/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with President-elect of Panama, Nicholas Ardito Barletta.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with members of the Council of the Americas.
A really packed up schedule. Pres. Elect Barletta of Panama came by. He’s a great guy—a grad. of the U. of Chi. Ec. school. An N.S.C. meeting where there was some differences between Cap & Geo. S. over our attempt to negotiate with Nicaragua. I think we got it straightened out. Had lunch with the network T.V. anchors. I think maybe I might have softened them up a bit. An interview with Lee Edwards—“Conservative Digest.” Meeting with Geo. S. (more Nicaragua). Dropped by a meeting of the Americans Society. This is a high powered group of business & industrial people chaired by David Rockefeller who are trying to help out in Latin Am. A sad photo with Pete Metzger our Marine Mil. Aide. He & his lovely family are on their way to the 1st Marine Division—Camp Pendleton. Then an interview with 6 T.V. stations one at a time. Photos with 5 departing Ambassadors & their familys. Was made an honorary member of the Non-Commissioned Officers Assn. My 3rd cousin Karen Dennis & her husband dropped by—she’s a nurse—a commander in the Navy & he’s an Army Major. Rcvd. the Distinguished Leaders Award from Consumer Digest. The Am. Hardware Assn. leaders came by & presented me with some ranch tools. Then a Personnelle session & home.