Diary Entry - 07/25/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the Greet American Legion Boys Nation.
President Reagan participates in a Signing Ceremony for the Canada Free Trade Agreement.
A 10 A.M. day & a busy one. First meeting a kind of general discussion of the legislative situation & problems we can look forward to with necessary authorization & appropriation bills.
N.S.C.—Our young (18-19-20) crewmen of the C-5F’s that delivered our inspectors for treaty verification. Report is the Soviets were fascinated by them & were showing them every thing there was to see.
Morocco wants to buy F-16’s from us.
Jim Baker suggests banning import of tea & chocolate from Soviets on basis of workers being convicts in production of those items. We don't agree. First of all our importation is miniscule & 2nd we cant confirm whether products are made by convicts.
Desk time to get P.D.B. read & some desk items cleared up. At 11:45—did some audio taping for documentary film to be shown at Repub. Convention.
Then lunch & more desk time before a Rose Garden meeting with—Great American Legion Boys Nation. They were a hand picked group of 2 boys from each state.
Back in the Oval O. Dick Lyng & several others were gathered for Dicks report on the drought. He had photos & even samples of the stunted ears of corn. After meeting photos with 3 man board of T.V.A. etc.
To the Roosevelt room for signing of letters submitting to Cong. legis. on U.S. Canadian Free Trade Bill.
Downstairs for a haircut & up to a meeting with Sen. McClure re the location of nuclear fuel production plant. A lengthy taping session, into the Dr. for a sneeze shot & upstairs to exercise & shower. Dinner with Ted G. & Mermie. After dinner ran tape on inaugurals (including my own) produced by Jimmy Carters Presidential Library.