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Diary Entry - 07/24/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with a little girl with cancer who wrote to him during his stay in the hospital to cheer him up.

  • President Reagan attends a rally at the University of South Carolina for Tommy Hartnet who is running for Governor.

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Left hotel at 9 A.M. on my way to Columbia S.C. I forgot to say that yesterday Tommy Thomas brought an attractive young couple to the suite. She is an artist who paints on glass. She had done the great Seal on a beautiful mirror about 4 ft. square. It was a gift for me.

Before leaving the hotel this morning a lovely young mother & her 9 yr. old daughter were brought to the suite by Paula H. [Hawkins]. The little girl has cancer. She had written me when I was in the hospital to cheer me up & tell me how well she was getting along. She doesn’t know that the end is in sight for her now. She’s a beautiful little girl & looks as healthy as one could be.

The trip to S.C. is for Carol Campbell who is running for Gov. & Tommy Hartnet who is running for Lt. Gov. This affair was at U. of S.C. Before going there we met some farmers & Air Force personnel at the airport where hay is being ferried into S.C. from Ill., Ind. & Iowa to relieve the Dairy farmers in S.C. whose cows are starving to death because of the drought. The mid-west farmers are donating the Hay & we’re furnishing the mil. aircraft. Then on to the Campus & another photo, handshaking reception with about 300 people. Then into the luncheon (which I wouldn’t eat) & I made my speech. It was well received & then back to the airport & on our way to Wash. About 300 College Repubs. in town for a leadership meeting met me on the S. Lawn. Now I’m waiting for Nancy to come in from Eng. & the Royal Wedding.

Then a reception at 5 P.M. in the East Room for the Nat. Repub. Senatorial Committee Trust. Members each contribute at least $10,000 to the N.R.S.C. There are about 350 including about 15 Senators. I do a 10 min. talk.

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