Diary Entry - 07/22/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to former President Jimmy Carter.
President Reagan addresses representatives of the Future Farmers of America.
Met with Fut. Farmers of America—Their annual trip. A great bunch of young people—about 300 of them.
Then at 2 P.M. did my speech on S. Africa in the East Room before an audience of Diplomats, Congressmen & reps. of all kinds of groups involved in foreign Relations. It was live on CNN T.V. also. Of course when it was over &Cong. Grey at 4:00 P.M. broadcast the official Dem. reply—(pure demagoguery) and the media sought out every enemy they could & put them on T.V. I was a colossal failure. I dont think I was. Dick Nixon called & thought it was masterful. Met with Morris Abrams who is leaving our Civil Svc. commission to go with a Jewish org. as C.E.O. He’s done a great job. Then Dr. Thomas Paine came in to present me with the report by the Nat. Commission on Space. Finally a reception for the Congressmen & their spouses who voted for Contra Aid—this was bipartisan at it’s best.