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Diary Entry - 07/21/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-21-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with chief executive officers of corporations and associations which support the Caribbean Basin Initiative.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.

  • President Reagan participates in the Caribbean Initiative Basin Coalition Summer Evening Gala.

View the President's Schedule
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High spot of day was lunch with P.M. Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore. We first met him 10 yrs. ago when Pres. Nixon sent us to Asia on a mission. He is one of the best leaders & statesmen in the world. I value his advice greatly on the China problem & was pleased that he endorses my intention to stand by Taiwan. Met with leaders & reps of Caribbean nations also some American business leaders who are supporting the C.B.I. A really tough problem not yet resolved has to do with defense budget & the projection Dave Stockman must give to Congress re deficits for next 5 yrs. Cutting defense sends a message I dont like to allies & enemies alike. But Dave’s report if deficits are too high sends a shock wave to the world just when we seem to be gaining ground. Ended day dropping by reception at Org. of Am. States.

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