Diary Entry - 07/21/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with chief executive officers of corporations and associations which support the Caribbean Basin Initiative.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.
President Reagan participates in the Caribbean Initiative Basin Coalition Summer Evening Gala.
High spot of day was lunch with P.M. Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore. We first met him 10 yrs. ago when Pres. Nixon sent us to Asia on a mission. He is one of the best leaders & statesmen in the world. I value his advice greatly on the China problem & was pleased that he endorses my intention to stand by Taiwan. Met with leaders & reps of Caribbean nations also some American business leaders who are supporting the C.B.I. A really tough problem not yet resolved has to do with defense budget & the projection Dave Stockman must give to Congress re deficits for next 5 yrs. Cutting defense sends a message I dont like to allies & enemies alike. But Dave’s report if deficits are too high sends a shock wave to the world just when we seem to be gaining ground. Ended day dropping by reception at Org. of Am. States.